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  • Writer's pictureLiz Liles

As we enter into this season of gratitude, Daughters of Worth celebrates this new beginning for our sweet girls and their family!

For many of us, home is our safe place. The space that we look forward to coming back to at the end of the day and waking up to in the morning. The place that we find our rest, comfort, and joy. The place where we welcome children into our arms, enjoy meals together, and find a safe haven from the world.

Yet, for many families in America, their reality looks quite different. For many families, there isn't a safe space or a place of comfort and rest to call their own. For some, it may look like dividing up family to live in numerous places due to not having shelter. For others, it may look like living in a car or sleeping in a park. For some, it may look like sleeping on couches or staying with relatives or friends for an extended time. For others, it may come in the form of residing at a shelter.

When Daughters of Worth learned that our girls had been forced to flee from their home in the middle of the night due to gang violence and circumstances beyond their control, our tribe immediately stepped up to serve. From providing food, school supplies, and assisting with the cost for a motel, we diligently worked to offer safety and support for this precious family.

As the pandemic impacted the family's employment, unemployment checks were not received for weeks on end, and Daughters of Worth had exhausted the emergency funds for shelter, we were all uncertain as to the next step to take. Seven children needed a space to live, food to eat, clothes to wear, and the basic living experience that most of us have (and often take for granted.) To be completely transparent, our hearts were completely wrecked as we were diligently seeking to help this family find sustainability for themselves.

Our prayers for a miracle were answered! In September, Daughters of Worth received a phone call from an anonymous donor who had a heart and passion to serve a family experiencing homelessness. Without hesitation, I immediately shared that, "Yes, we have a family. They need help... Right Now!"

Immediately, this donor began to work to bring this family into safety and to ensure that the children had their needs met. Through their generous gift and partnership, Daughters of Worth has been able to successfully transition this family from a one bedroom motel into a home where each child has a space to sleep, eat, rest, and learn. The yard is expansive, allowing the little ones to run and play! This gift of generosity has truly shifted the entire trajectory for this family.

Because of this extreme generosity and support, Daughters of Worth is now able to directly serve the family, providing mentorship for the girls, as well as working directly with the family unit to generate financial sustainability on their own.

At Daughters of Worth, we understand that we cannot truly speak into the true worth and value of our beautiful girls when they have unmet basic needs. It is our heart and mission to ensure that every girl has the resources that she needs to truly cultivate the tomorrow of her dreams. As we are able to assist her with basic needs and ensure that she is safe and protected, we are then positioned to speak into her soul - for the matters of the heart.

Throughout 2020, Daughters of Worth has had the privilege to assist 11 girls with shelter and utilities and more than 100 girls with food.

According to the US Department of Education, during the 2017-18 school year, an estimated 28,903 public school students experienced homelessness over the course of the year.

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  • Writer's pictureLiz Liles

Updated: Oct 26, 2020

Despite barriers presented by COVID-19, Daughters of Worth remains committed to the mission of empowering girls to create the life of their dreams. This year, all empowerment sessions and connect groups will be offered completely online to safely serve girls of our communities.

Historically, Daughters of Worth has partnered with local school systems to provide face to face mentorship and advocacy for the girls of our communities through GLAM Girls, Girls Living a Mission. These sessions traditionally are offered twice per month and offer girls a safe space to connect with one another, their mentor, and to receive empowerment sessions, designed to equip them to create the tomorrow of their dreams.

Due to the barriers presented by COVID-19, Daughters of Worth has opted to transition to a completely virtual format for the 2020-21 school year to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of all girls and volunteers for the organization. In effort to meet these pressing needs, a total of 30 phenomenal women have been trained to serve as GLAM Girl facilitators for individual groups! Through weekly connection, interactive sessions, and opportunities for personal coaching sessions, participants are able to find support during their time of need.

In addition to providing weekly sessions designed to equip girls through character formation, leadership development, health and wellness, positive mindset/resiliency, and personal development, Daughters of Worth is also committed to assist participants with emergency needs. Through provision of food, clothing, school supplies, personal hygiene items, and basic household needs, GLAM Girls are discovering that there is truly a power in being surrounded by a tribe of women who are rising up to empower them to create the life of their dreams!

As the pandemic leads to isolation, mental health needs rising, increased domestic violence, economic hardship, and academic frustration, Daughters of Worth is committed to providing a safe space for girls of our communities to find connection, support, assistance with needs, and inclusion.

There are currently more than 160 girls connected through Daughters of Worth GLAM Girls virtual sessions, mentorship, and advocacy. For those who are not currently enrolled but would like to learn more, empowerment sessions are available twice per month for all elementary and all teen girls to join to find inspiration in their journey and tools for their success! Information for these upcoming events can be found on the Events Page. For more information about how to become connected with Daughters of Worth, please contact

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