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  • Writer's pictureLiz Liles

Daughters of Worth believes in the power of the girls of our communities. It is our mission to educate, equip, and empower girls of all ages to become strong women of influence in their communities, and through this new partnership with NC Works, we can now serve our girls more fully!

This year, Daughters of Worth GLAM Girls (Girls Living a Mission) are discovering the power of their strengths, personalities, skills set, and talents. They are learning how they have the ability to cultivate the tomorrow of their dreams through vision casting, goal setting, and investing in their own selves. As we seek to empower her to create the future that she desires, we are thankful to partner with NC Works to fulfill this vision in a larger way.

Working directly with girls that we refer, NC Works is committed to equipping youth of Eastern NC with job readiness training, acquiring certifications and licensure to equip them for their career, and offering employment opportunities. Within the past few months, Daughters of Worth has already referred 5 girls to NC Works. An online event is currently being planned to provide the opportunity for all girls, ages 16-24, including those who are not enrolled with Daughters of Worth to join the conversation and learn about the opportunities available through this phenomenal organization! Details will be announced soon.

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  • Writer's pictureLiz Liles

There is a power when girls understand that their personality, strengths, talents, and skills have all been aligned towards her purpose in this world. As she begins to understand herself better, she is able to make choices in academics, as well as future career choices, that will best represent her intellect, interests, and life goals.

We are so thankful for our partnership with NENC Career Pathways to provide GLAM Girls with the opportunity to discover their path through the Traitify Personality Blend Assessment and learn what job opportunities best match their strengths and skills!

Through this assessment, GLAM Girl facilitators (mentors) will have the opportunity to work directly with their girls, discuss their results, and help them prepare for their future!

Daughters of Worth is committed to our mission of educating, equipping, and empowering girls of all ages to become strong women of influence in their communities. As she better understands who she is and what opportunities are available for her, she will be better prepared to cultivate the tomorrow of her dreams and serve others in a powerful way!

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  • Writer's pictureLiz Liles

2020 has been an incredibly hard year for everyone - including the girls of our communities.

Within the past three months, Daughters of Worth has experienced 4 suicide attempts with the girls that we serve, and self-harm rates continue to rise as girls are experiencing isolation, abuse, and severe anxiety and depression. While we diligently seek to offer love, encouragement, and support for these precious girls and their families, it is also our desire to offer connection and resources to prevent self-harm for all girls.

Although we are unable to meet face to face for our empowerment GLAM Girls (Girls Living a Mission) sessions, Daughters of Worth continues to serve the girls of our communities through virtual meetings, personalized coaching/mentoring sessions, and meeting emergency needs at the level of the need.

Seeking to connect with the girls that we serve, as well as providing a support base and encouragement for girls who are not currently registered with our organization, Daughters of Worth has now extended a few sessions each month to any girl (elementary - college) who wishes to join the conversation.

On November 12, Rachel Cringoli, Registered Nurse and Life Coach, met with us on Zoom to share practical methods and tips for overcoming anxiety and stress. Leading us through a few breathing and stretching activities in the very beginning, the girls were able to find relaxation and peace within the first few minutes.

Questions such as, "How do I handle panic attacks when I take a test?" and "My personality has changed since we have been in quarantine. Is this normal?," among many others were able to be answered for questioning girls.

Throughout the conversation, participants were taught how to resist negative thoughts and emotions through practical thoughts, movements, and breathing. They were encouraged to seek help and ask for support when they need it. Positive affirmations were practiced, and the value of taking care of yourself, including setting healthy boundaries were all discussed.

It is the mission of Daughters of Worth to provide a safe haven of support, connection, and trust, so that the girls we serve can find a space to not only celebrate themselves, find assistance when needed, but also share their journey with others. We are thankful for leaders such as Rachel Cringoli, who are willing to invest in our beautiful girls and not only offer wisdom and guidance for today, but provide hope and resources for a brighter tomorrow for the girls we serve.

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